Harvest Moon’s Daughter: Castle Rock Snownamie

(Photo and text used with permission of Castle Rock Farm.)


GCH Castle Rock Snownamie 2*M 4*D VEEE 90
DOB 3/02/10 height 20″
3xGCH, 2xRGCH, 2xBOB, 1xBest Udder
2011 LA: VV++ 84
2012 LA: VEEE 90

Sire: CRF Castle Rock Harvest Moon ++B*S
(Rosasharn TL Sitka Spruce ++B *S x MCH-SGCH Castle Rock Once Ina Blue Moon 2*D )
Dam: SGCH CRF Castle Rock Blizzard 1*M 3*D VEEE 91
(Lost Valley KW Stetson +B+*S x Castle Rock Snowfluryceanothus 2*D)


#s BF
1.00 336 479 39 8.1 23 4.8
1.11 233 803 55 6.8 36 4.5
5.00 211 728 43 5.9 30 4.1