blue eyes
For SALE: 2000.- plus GST
Sire: First Fleet Jupiter / Dam: First Fleet Tillie (DNA verified, Myotonia carrier negative by verified descent)
DOB: 17 September, 2024
We have been going back and forth on what to do with this buck. He is quite tightly bred (inbreeding, see pedigree below) and for this reason we initially planned to wether him . He is now maturing into quite a beautiful buck with very pronounced angulation, nice top line, very good pasterns. His dam Tillie is nice enough that we are tempted to keep her, and his littermate sister is also quite fine. To reflect his inbreeding we keep his price low (for a blue eyed buck). We strongly advise his future owners not to mate him with does that have any Castle Rock “Moon” genetics (“Mad About The Moon”,” Harvest Moon” ) in their pedigrees. (This is in recognition that Tyson is already inbred on the “Moon” lines.)
Pedigree: F.F. Tyson