First Fleet Corelli


Sire:  Castle Rock Guy Noir (AI)  /  Dam:  First Fleet Sally   (DNA parent verified )

DOB:  19 July 2020

We hope that the mating of Sally and Guy Noir will combine the best of both and will help Sally’s very large udder with better attachment.

We were fortunate to have had Sarah Hawkins from Castle Rock farm visit us and look at our goats. She strongly recommended to use Sally as one of our foundation does because of her very large udder, her wide, prominent rump as well as her overall strong dairy character.  She suggested to use Guy Noir over her to improve udder attachment and increased arch width. That mating resulted in two bucks (Gray Area and Corelli) and one doe (Sarabande).

Both brothers, Corelli and Gray Area, are very similar and we will have to decide which one to use as our new stud buck and wich one to sell.

Pedigree: FirstFleet Corelli