Castle Rock Triumph

Castle Rock Triumph,     USA imported semen

DOB: 28 February , 2012

Myotonia clear (DNA tested)

with permission from Sarah Hawkins, Castle Rock Farm

Triumph daughter Penny Farthing                daughter Helen of Troy

Pedigree of Triumph:

Due to our retirement/ closing down, we are selling our imported semen straws , collected in USA and stored at the professional genetic storage facility in Bacchus Marsh, VIC. We are selling them in batches of ten straws. Mix and match any of the 5 bucks listed. We keep straw prices reasonably low giving breeders a chance to practice their own insemination technique. The storage facility “Genemovers” will ship semen straws.

SALE:  batches of 10 straws (mix of any straws you like): $ 250.00