First Fleet Hermes

DOB: 2 September,  2014        Myotonia clear (DNA test)

Colour: gold with white overlay

Hermes is one of our first round of imported and successfully implanted embryos from USA. He is full brother to First Fleet Chloe, the first 100% Nigerian Dwarf doe in Australia.  Hermes (now deceased) was a beautiful, long bodied , uphill buck. He was nice enough that we had his semen collected. At the age of 22 months he was classified, achieving the  highest score possible for that age at 88.


Due to our retirement/ closing down, we are selling our imported semen straws , collected in USA and stored at the professional genetic storage facility in Bacchus Marsh, VIC. We are selling them in batches of ten straws. Mix and match any of the 5 bucks listed. We keep straw prices reasonably low giving breeders a chance to practice their own insemination technique. The storage facility “Genemovers” will ship semen straws.

SALE:  batches of 10 straws (mix of any straws you like): $ 250.00